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2007-09-22 Rebecca St. James: A Global Heart for Compassion

Rebecca St. James: A Global Heart for Compassion CMSpin Article - Rebecca St. James: A Global Heart for Compassion
COMPASSION IN EUROPE: ARTIST MICHAEL W. SMITH, TIM NEEVES (Videographer); Rebecca St. James; Jan Willem Vink, Marketing & Communications Director/Compassion Netherlands; Philippe Mermod, CEO Compassion Switzerland; Martin Ijmker, Events Co-ordinator/Compassion Netherlands.

Australian born St. James has for more than a decade been lending her voice of considerable influence to the work of Compassion International, for whom she is a globally out-reaching spokesperson. Through bringing the word of Compassion to her concert goers in her U.S. and international travels, Rebecca has directly connected her audience to the ongoing sponsorship of more than 30,000 of the world's neediest children in 24 poverty stricken nations of the world.

"I saw first-hand once again how funds donated to Compassion are actually reaching and being utilized for good in making a profound difference in the lives of children," St. James commented to press last year following a missions trip to Rwanda. "It was a powerful experience for me to see the work of Compassion in action and how children are actually being so benefited in every day life," she continued. "In Kenya we visited a slum area that represented the most intense poverty imaginable. In the middle of the desolation Compassion workers have built a project - a school filled with wonderfully joyful children that are being given love and hope and the message of Jesus."

Last month Rebecca St. James' lightning round tour of Europe cast a huge net for Compassion on the continent of Europe. In her travels, in two days alone she performed a headlining engagement at Holland's annual Flevo Music Festival, drawing a crowd of more than 30,000 concert-goers. On the same tour, St. James charted new territory with the rare introduction of Christian music and the Compassion message in the formerly communist held Czech Republic, now free to greet her with a capacity audience of 7,000 enthusiastic Czech music fans who warmly embraced both music and message despite any language barriers.

Speaking of her work for Compassion, the organization's Vice-President of International Development, Tony Neeves, notes: "Rebecca St. James is passionately, articulately, and untiringly speaking out about the needs of children in poverty, and the God given responsibility of Christians to reach out to do something about it. As a direct result of Rebecca's love and commitment, there are literally tens of thousands of children who have escaped the cruel trap of poverty, and who now have a real hope for a better future."
While on tour, St. James concert each night graphically spotlights her dedication to the work of Compassion as she takes the message of "aid that works" ever increasingly wider with each new audience. As multi-screens onstage behind her in the rock concert setting flash the stark reality of her mission to Africa, the young woman who refuses to be thought of as a 'star', passionately shares the message of the importance of child sponsorship.
She nightly performs the song Beautiful Stranger, self written with a message she hopes will stay long after the music ends. "The song challenges me, as I hope it will challenge those that hear it to reach out to offer God's help and hope to those that are struggling around us. From the obvious needs that I saw in Africa to those in need who are all around us every day too often faceless and lost in the crowds. God is longing for us to reach out to others. The world needs more compassion."