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2008-05-09 Taking a few moments to honor everyone

John is Waiting For His Princess!: Taking a few moments to honor everyone
You all should check out my friend Rebecca St. James' Web site from time to time. Man, I want to honor her. She often has something encouraging to say about life in God.

She's apparently re-releasing her book, "Wait for Me," in the near future. Is everyone else asking the same question I'm asking?

How in the world is this girl still single? Here is a committed, consistent, successful, bright, beautiful, romantic woman of God. Are all the single men around her completely lost? Either that, or their standards are way too high.

Personal note: Apart from the apparent mistake in the last sentence (I would rather suggest that Rebecca's standards might probably be too high), I would certainly agree with the question how in the world could Rebecca still be single. I've always thought that the question is not so much "who would want Rebecca" but: how could a Christian guy who is not yet married or engaged, not want Rebecca? That would certainly be beyond my comprehension. From my viewpoint - be it far, far away from Tennessee - only cart loads of Christians is what I can imagine at her doorstep day after day.