» Rebecca St.James ; Breathe Ruahflames: a community of like minded bible believing Christians
Rebecca St.James ; Breathe
Posted in March 28th, 2008
by Caxton Muriuki in Devotions, Prayers
Rebecca’s Breathe is a version of the song written by Marrie Barnett. This song has been a real blessing to Ruahflames Radio listeners among other anointed songs. The song calls on us to live lives full of Christ and His presence. We live to breath the Lord, to accept the gift of His presence in our lives.
When you face situations that require to be dealt with, just breathe His Holy presence. (...)
Like David, let us thirst for the presence of the Lord in our lives. Psalms 42:1 As the deer pants for the water brooks,So pants my soul for You, O God. I want to see that kind of testimony in my relationship with the risen Savor.
When we live in His presence, then we enjoy the daily bread. This is manna from above to help us navigate “today’s” challenges. By His daily bread, our Spirits and souls are nourished for eternity, and we are being transformed by the renewing of our minds which is the stronghold of our souls, for eternity. John 6:58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.
We are then desperate for Him, desperate to see Him, touch Him, do His will, love Him and Just enjoy His presence. Christian living becomes enjoyable and natural. We are able to encourage others and to display the attributes of our lord Jesus in our lives. We become truly Christ like and therefore people who have know Christ can call us Christians.